Welcome to SimpleMeal

Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy -

1. We recommend that you pick up your order. All the partners first appearing when you sign in, will be close to your neighborhood, so pick up your order on your way home from work or from the GYM. This is one method of making our concept sustainable and affordable to you and our partners.

2. If you have trouble picking up your order, select the delivery option then the delivery will be sourced either by the sourcing partner of your order or by a third party. please note that cost will apply. The cost will be indicated on your bill or your will have to pay directly to the third-party delivery person. Please note that we are not responsible in any way for any and all issues arising from your order delivery. So, take our advice and pick up your order.

3. In certain instances we will be supporting the delivery of your order with a third-party delivery company. In this instance too please note that cost will apply. The cost will be indicated on your bill or your will have to pay directly to the third-party delivery person. Please note that we are not responsible in any way for any and all issues arising from your order delivery. So, take our advice and pick up your order.

4. Our Partners are not professional companies or industrially oriented. They are all small home business that make little extra income through our platform. So please anticipate delays and hiccups in your order. Please resolve all such issues directly with our partners as we are just a facilitator. You may use our partner rating system to voice your approval or disapproval. Please be fair with your rating. Please avoid unwarranted, baseless, malicious comments/ratings that are not supported by real events. We will be removing all low rated partners form our platform.

5. You will get a SMS when you place your order, when your order is ready and when your order is picked up or delivered to you. An email will also be sent to you on your order status.

6. When your order is delivered to your delivery address and you are not at home, your order will be cancelled. Please note that there will not be a cash/card refund in such instances.

7. If your order is not delivered to you or is not prepared and ready for collection your money will be refunded to you. This may take a few days as per individual bank practices and procedures.

Disclaimer - For delivery to take place customers must complete in full the checkout process set out in our web page simplemeal.lk, completing all required fields and selecting the desired delivery option, and submit proper, clear and correct/factual information at all times with regard to the details you provide; such as personal information, contact details, communications addresses, delivery addresses, bank details and credit/debit card details. Payment realization for all goods ordered, is a must before delivery. Delivery will take place only after the realization of such payments made, in our designated bank account (s) via authorized and contracted payment gateway. 

Delivery Period

At certain times, food items/goods will be delivered within the stipulated period listed by our food preparation partners, but due to the nature of certain goods, delivery times will vary from item to item. Weather permitting; all goods will be delivered as per our food preparation partners listed lead time, to delivery addresses at are factual and in existence.

Certain food items/ goods may have run out of stock at the time of ordering or may have to be specially ordered after payment is made. Such goods may take longer than the listed delivery period stated by our food preparation partners, and upon inquiry, simplemeal.lk will inform customers of the approximate delivery dates and times via telephone, e-mail or SMS, once confirming with our food preparation partners. In the event you have not being contacted please do not hesitate to contact our customer service agents or call our hot line. simplemeal.lk, due to factors beyond our control or due to technical, operational or logistical failures we may not be able to contact you. Simplemeal.lk will not take any responsibility for such lapses or losses or damages caused to you or any third party. simplemeal.lk and or ARG and associates. Indemnifies itself/themselves from all claims made against any and all losses or damages caused to the customer or any third party due to the delay in delivery and or not delivering of goods ordered and purchased.

Free Delivery 

Free Delivery of ordered item (s) to customer’s delivery addresses will be listed on our food preparation partner’s kitchen or his/her menu listing, or on simplemeal.lk web platform/app or notified to customer via SMS or e-mail by simplemeal.lk.

Free delivery is conditional and solely at the discretion of simplemeal.lk. and or its food preparation partner’s free delivery offers that may be offered to customers from time to time. Free delivery is only available for certain items only. (Please call our customer support agent to find out more on free delivery orders). simplemeal.lk, has the right to change its free delivery policy at will and is further subject to change (s) from time to time. You here by agree that simplemeal.lk and or ARG & Associates. will not take any responsibility for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused to you in the event of such a change (s) is/are made and we will indemnify ourselves and will not be held liable by any party.

Delivery Charges

For goods not falling under the free delivery category, a delivery fee will be charged on a per kilometer basis as per our delivery partners policies, procedures and processes, to the point of the delivery address, or will be charged on a per kilometer basis from the location of where such goods are stored/warehoused i.e. picked-up from.

The mileage will be charged based on the distance calculated/extracted from “google maps” or taken as a general distance to the closet town, and may not at all times be one hundred (100%) percent accurate. Delivery charges will also vary according to the load/Volume/quantity of goods and specific specialized vehicles needed to transport same. Customer will be advised on all delivery charges on their invoices when checking out. All delivery charges if any will be included in the invoice, and will be a part of the total invoice value. Delivery of goods to customers will be in part shipments or in full as per the availability of vehicles and based on the total load/volume. simplemeal.lk reserves all rights to decide in which mode and in which quantity the goods should be transported to the customer’s delivery address.

Delivery Times

In Certain instances, delivery times may differ from that which is indicated on the website and will not always be applicable to all items. Depending on the nature of the goods, delivery times will be mutually decided by simplemeal.lk food preparation partners and the customer, based on the customer’s needs and the availability of goods and transport.

When goods are ready to be transported to the customer's delivery address, the customer service system will inform the customer of an approximate time that the items will reach the customer’s delivery address by a SMS and or an e-mail will be sent to the customers registered phone number or e-mail address, and will be deemed as the massage been delivered. Although simplemeal.lk at all times will make every effort to have an on-time delivery every time, unexpected delays are predicted and will take place. You hereby agree that you, as a customer will make the necessary adjustments to your plans and schedules to accommodate such delays.

Arrival of ordered goods to delivery address (s)

After the dispatch of goods, the customer service system will inform/communicate to the customer of the approximate or estimated time of arrival of the goods at the delivery address via the customer registered telephone, SMS and/or e-mail or the order tracking system on the web platform/app.

Upon the arrival of goods at the delivery address, the customer service system or the order tracking system will communicate to the customer or the person duly allocated/assigned by the customer and inform/communicate that the items or a particular item has arrived at the customer’s delivery address, or a SMS and or an e-mail will be sent to the customers registered phone number, or e-mail address. The delivery team or person will call the customer or the assigned agent of the customer when the delivery has arrived at site to commence the handing over operation.

Acceptance of Goods

simplemeal.lk offers the customer a money back policy on all goods which do not meet the specified quality standard. simplemeal.lk will replace all goods that do not meet the required quality specifications at no additional cost to the customers.

Customers can reject goods giving sufficient and compelling proof of any defects or variation in the quality for the food items/goods received against what is specified on the simplemeal.lk web page. In such an event customers are to immediately notify simplemeal.lk by calling the customer service hot lines or by e-mail and should not sign and accept food item/goods. All such good are to be returned without taking over or handling. Food items/goods once accepted and or taken over will not qualify for the above policy.

It is the customer’s responsibility to inspect and accept all food items/goods by signing the relevant documents produced by the delivery team or person. simplemeal.lk reserves the right to ask for proper authentication from the customer at the point of delivery and the delivery team or person may ask for the customer’s billing proof of the delivery address, the e-receipt/order confirmation e-mail or the customer’s personal identification documents. Customers are expected to produce show such documents on such a request without objection or delay for such person (s) to view. This is for the security of the customer and to ensure that the food items/goods are being delivered to the intended person and to the intended delivery address. simplemeal.lk and its delivery partners reserves the right not to deliver ordered and paid for food items/goods in the event the customer (s) do not corporate with such requests made by the delivery team or person.

Third party rejection of good (s) are strictly not permitted in any manner whatsoever whether it be a quality, quantity or any other concern. You hereby agree that any rejection of good (s) will be made personally by you as the intended buyer/purchaser and as the other part of the purchase contract.

In the event that you are not present to accept the food items/goods at the time of delivery, simplemeal.lk will charge the customer for any additional trip (s) and losses. Food items/goods will only be re-delivered in such cases, only after the customer (s) have paid in full for all such penalties levied on them by simplemeal.lk Further simplemeal.lk will retain the right without prejudges to seek legal action against such customers in a recognized court of law in Sri Lanka to claim any further damages if any.

Third Party Acceptance of Goods

Third party acceptance of goods is allowed and customers are strongly advised to mention so, by making a special note under the checkout “Customers Delivery Address” or by e- mailing to info@simplemeal.lk. Customers can call our hot line and get clarification or further information in this regard as well.

In the event that there is no authorized person (third party) to accept the food items/goods at the time of delivery, simplemeal.lk will charge the customer for any additional trip (S) and losses; and will also reserve the right to forfeit the good altogether to cover such losses. Goods will only be re-delivered in such cases, only after the customer (s) have paid in full for all such penalties levied on them bysimplemeal.lk. Further simplemeal.lk will retain the right without prejudges to seek legal action against such customers in a recognized court of law in Sri Lanka to claim any further damages if any.

Authorization for Delivery team or person and vehicle (s) to enter the premises of the delivery address.

In some cases, our delivery team or person along with the delivery vehicle (s) in some instances will require to enter the premised of the stated delivery address. You hereby consent and transfer full authority for the unhindered access to our delivery team or person along with the delivery vehicle (s) to enter the premise (s) of the stated delivery address at the time of delivery, in order to deliver and unload/handover the ordered food items/goods.

simplemeal.lk and its delivery partners, may or may not provide details of the delivery team, person or delivery vehicle (s) to the customer. In the event the customer requires such detail it is the sole responsibility of the customer to inform simplemeal.lk and or their delivery partners, at the time of purchasing food item/goods via our web platform/app to mention all such requirement/s in the provided field “additional information”.

Denial of entry if it so requires, to our delivery team, person and/or delivery vehicle (s) to enter the premises of the stated delivery address at the time of delivery in order to deliver and unload/handover the ordered food items/goods by any party will result in the customer’s food items/good (s) being forfeited and all transport and delivery cost charged to the customer. Further simplemeal.lk will retain the right without prejudges to seek legal action against such customers in a recognized court of law in Sri Lanka, and to claim any and all further damages if any.  Once the delivery team is within the customer's premises the safety and security of the delivery team/ person lies on the customer (s). Please be mindful that legal action can be taken against you, by us, or our delivery partners, the delivery team / person, or by any law enforcement authority in the event that loss of life, injury or any other such personal loss is caused due to your negligence, neglect  or by your direct actions.

Unloading space for delivered goods

It is the customer’s sole responsibility to provide and have ready adequate space for all ordered food items/goods to be delivered and unloaded/handed over by simplemeal.lk or by their delivery partners.

Due to the nature of certain food items/goods adequate space and safety measures have to be taken while transportation, and while unloading/handing over of all such goods. simplemeal.lk and its delivery partners, reserves the right not to unload any food items/goods in space allocated for, where adequate space and/or safety standards are not available in that allocated unloading/handing over space / area provided for by the customer at the delivery address. In the event the delivered food items/goods cannot be unloaded due to any of the above restrains, simplemeal.lk will charge the customer for any additional trip (s) and losses and will also reserve the right to forfeit the food items/good altogether to cover such losses. Food items/goods will only be delivered in such cases only after the customers have paid in full all such penalties levied on them by simplemeal.lk.

Disruption of traffic and/or public peace

Any charges brought against simplemeal.lk by any party for disrupting traffic or causing a public nuisance or causing damage or losses to residence at the time of unloading/handing over of delivered food item/goods will be directly transferred to the customer and the customer hereby agrees to pay immediately without any delay or hesitation any and all such cost in full to simplemeal.lk upon the submission of an invoice or letter of demand for all such cost charged to simplemeal.lk or borne by simplemeal.lk.